Design & Create with Us

Resource Development

This service allows you to design and create your own learning resources for your children.

Completely individualise your resources and materials as our team handle the rest. Whatever it may be, we will aim to create an easily accessible resource for you to implement wherever you need it.

Frequently asked questions for Resource Development


How much does a resource cost?

The cost of a resource will be quoted during your resource consultation and ranges between $20-300 AUD. The pricing is influenced by the materials and complexity of the resource requirements, which are all discussed during your consultation. Different materials are available for you to choose from.

What resources can you make?

We can create any kind of visual/tangible resources and offer you the opportunity to personalise them! Meaning, you can customise the text, size, colours, images, colours and functions of your resources. Some examples of previous orders include a velcro weekly schedule, weekly diary, task analysis, afternoon visual schedule, toilet training reinforcement chart, chore chart and more.

What materials do you use to make the resources?

We utilise a range of materials to create your customised resources including paper, cardboard, laminated paper, velcro, glue, staples, folders, sheets, books, binders, clips, etc. We also source specific materials upon request.

How can the resources help me?

We recommend this service to parents and families that could benefit from implementing visual aids in their daily lives that support the development of specific skills in their child(ren).

Who can use the resources?

Anyone can use the resources! We design each resource so that your child can use it and understand its purpose. We can eliminate most if not all writing so that the resource remains completely visual or vice versa. We design the resources in a way that is functional for the child, practical and individualised.

We create the resources in a way that works specifically for your child. That is why we conduct a consultation so that we can assess your child's and family's needs before creating the resources.

Why do I need to book a consultation to access this product?

A consultation is required to understand your child's and family's needs, specific requirements, and the goal that the resource is contributing to. This information is important to the development process as it ensures you receive a functional, practical and individualised resource.

How long does it take to make a resource?

After your consultation, it can take between 1-3 business days to develop your resource(s) before shipment is made.

Development time can be impacted by available materials. If sourcing is necessary, the development process might increase to 7 business days. Materials and additional requirements will be discussed in your resource development consultation.

What is the process?

Click here to see how the resource development process works.

Enquire here to book a consultation