About Us

Our Mission

Our mission is to emerge as the leading family and support agency in Sydney, delivering impactful services that enhance the lives, wellbeing, and households of our clients.

  • Ebony Cross, BSciPsych

    Ebony started her career in Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) as a Behaviour Therapist and quickly moved up into the role of Senior Behaviour Therapist. Having provided early intensive behaviour therapy to children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and other neurodevelopment disorders and general behavioural challenges, Ebony developed a passion for working with children and families.

    Ebony completed her Bachelor degree in Social Science (Psychology) in 2023 at Western Sydney University and is currently completing her post-graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) at Monash University. Ebony is pursuing the path of Clinical Psychology and aspires to continue her work with children and families when she becomes a clinical psychologist.

    "I quit my full-time therapy job at the end of my Bachelors degree. People thought I was crazy but I just knew that there was a demand for quality family and support services in Sydney. I spent about a year preparing for my transition, researching and learning how to make the Journey come to life. Now, I'm here, managing and leading this as my full-time job. The Journey, not only a part of other peoples journey but also my own, is more than just an agency. We're a growing family, a community, and I aim to keep it very close to my heart as I continue on my journey."

  • Trust

  • Respect

  • Education

  • Community

  • Sustainability