Individualised Support Plans

Children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), another neurodevelopment disorder, or general behavioural challenges could benefit from this type of service. We provide quality in-home support for babies and young children with additional needs.

An Individualised Support Plan consists of all of the following: an individualised goal-centred plan, maintenance and generalisation of already learnt skills and general care duties.

An Individualised Support Plan can target, teach and support a range of skills including (but not limited to):

  • Toilet training
  • Transition from bottle feeding to solids
  • Expanding diet
  • Expanding leisure and play skills
  • Social cues
  • Hair brushing
  • Teeth brushing
  • Dressing
  • Chores e.g., packing the dishwasher or cleaning the room
  • Routine implementation
  • Fine motor strengthening and development
  • Conversation skills (intraverbal)
  • Table etiquette
  • Social cues
  • Personal Independence
  • Routine implementation and changes

Some families might also desire their support worker to take their child out in the community to expose them to new environments and get them familiar with new social surroundings. This is something we can support here at the Journey Au, whether that be the support worker joining you and your family out in the community or taking your child out one-on-one. Some community locations we can provide behavioural support include (but are not limited to):

  • Hairdressers
  • Restaurants and cafes
  • Shopping centres
  • Parks
  • Stores

We can support the maintenance and generalisation of a wide range of already taught skills including:

  • The use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices like Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), Proloquo2Go, Language Acquisition through Motor Planning (LAMP) and more.
  • Functional communication
  • Emotional regulation
  • Academics

General care duties include:

  • Nappy changing and toileting
  • Following routines
  • Basic domestic cleaning and tidying
  • Nutritious meal preparation
  • Feeding, bottle feeding and burping
  • Bathing and showering
  • Engaging in playtime
  • Homework supervision


frequently asked questions


What can I expect from the Journey?

When we first meet with you and your child, we will discuss your child’s needs, history and any goals you might have for your child. Then, we will explain how we implement Individualised Support Plans.

You’ll be introduced to your dedicated Consultant who will work with you to develop an Individualised Support Plan that consists of clear goals for your child to reach while in the care of their support worker. You might also discuss specific behavioural strategies that the support worker could use to support your child through any challenging behaviours that might arise. Your Consultant will also work with you to plan a weekly schedule that suits your family. Please note that we provide before, during, after-hours and weekend care.

It is important to note that this service requires a minimum of 2 hours per day and at least 1 day per week (minimum 2hrs/week).

We will be working with your child from home, providing support where it's needed while working on those goals outlined in your Individualised Support Plan.

At the Journey, we understand how difficult it can be to implement strategies and teachings that your child has learnt in therapy to their natural environment. So, we encourage you to communicate these strategies and skills being taught in your child's therapy sessions so that your support worker can help generalise and maintain these skills with you.

The Journey prioritises the relationship between the child and support worker. We believe that building a positive and bonding relationship between the two can skyrocket your child's motivation and potential.

How will an Individualised Support Plan help my child?

For children with ASD, an Individualised Support Plan can help your child learn new valuable life skills, assist in the generalisation and maintenance of skill development and accelerate their progress and independence through child-centred, parent-focused, creative teaching measures. Here at the Journey, we employ creative teaching strategies and value individual learning.

We understand how difficult it can be to find a trusted and knowledgeable carer for your child. So, we aim to provide you with the highest-quality support consisting of ongoing check-ins, regular plan reviews and opportunities to change things up. Individualised Support Plans allow for you to take control of your child's learning goals.

What's the difference between an Individualised Support Plan and therapy?

An Individualised Support Plan adopts a creative, play-based and natural approach to teaching and caregiving. Your child will work towards goals with their support worker in a way that keeps them motivated and excited to learn new skills! No programs and no right or wrong ways. Just complete child-directed and family-focused learning and fun!

Therapy is a broad treatment process that utilises psychological methods to help people overcome or cope with physical, emotional and mental challenges. Therapy is often science-driven and programmed to achieve specific goals and milestones. Therapies might be based on specific theoretical findings and principles, which shape the way they are applied in a practical sense. Some therapies might involve behavioural and cognitive assessment, testing, reporting, programming, and so on. Therapies can be conducted in a range of environments including the home, school, daycare, preschool and out in the community.

On the contrary, our Individualised Support Plans (Support Work) are recommended as an addition to your child's team. A parent and child-centred focus means just this: you direct the goals and your child directs the teaching.

In Australia, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is an independent statutory agency that provides funding to people with specific diagnoses and disabilities. This might cover the costs of some therapies and interventions in Australia. However, it is important to note that The Journey Au does not provide therapy nor is it an NDIS service provider. Therefore, our services are not covered by NDIS. The Journey is a private, independent service provider for parents and families that require in-home care for their children.

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Getting started

If you would like to get started or learn more about our services, please send us a message via our contact form below or call us on (+61) 452 552 450.